A classic recruiting technique, realistic job previews are a best practice in our industry. It gets its own fancy government definition for a reason: it has worked across all industries and all levels for years*. Give candidates the real deal scoop so they can opt in and out at apply, not two weeks or two months or two minutes on the job (all that time, money, energy wasted, turnover costs astronomical, nooooo!).
How have realistic job previews been creatively imagined in recruitment marketing or media?
Employee-generated content
This is a video from a few years ago where an AT&T premises technician filmed one of their climbs. This person takes so much pride in his work and what he does, he not only filmed part of his workday, but he shared it with the world. What I like best is the varied comments below, like:
“Is there a difference in training between buried wire technicians and premises technicians? What exactly is it?”
“I was a perm tech in fort Worth last year until OCT. I had to resign to handle (personal business). Anyways, on Wednesday I got hired back on finally. I can't wait to hit pole yard again.”
“What is this? AT&T Basic Training? lol, looks fun”
Today it’s possible to create spaces where people want to share experiences or ask questions that allow them to decide to apply to a position or not. That interaction was missing from the one way communication years ago.